FAQ's (old)

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find what you are looking for then contact us - we are always happy to hear from you.


Q: Will you be bringing out further organ meat supplements?

A: Yes, we are planning to launch more organ meat products in 2022 – watch this space.


Q: Can you tell me more about your organic certification?

A: Of course – please find here the latest copy of our Soil Association Certification. This will pop up on your downloads.


Q: How are Hirsch's organ meat supplements produced?

A: Hirsch Organic Organ Meat Supplements are produced to a BRC certified standard in the UK and certified organic by the Soil Association. BRC is a leading safety and quality certification program, used by over 21000 certificated suppliers in 90 countries. The standards guarantee the standardisation of quality, safety and operational criteria and ensure that manufacturers fulfill their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer.


Q: How much fresh organs am I consuming with Hirsch's organ meat supplements in a week?

A: With the recommended 6 capsules per day you are consuming 3g of freeze dried organic organs with equates to approximately 70g of fresh organic organs per week.  A good way towards your optimal health goal!


Q: Where does the beef come from and how are they kept?

A: The ingredients in Hirsch organ meat supplements are sourced exclusively from British Soil Association organic farms and manufactured in organic certified facilities. In the UK all beef cows are raised on pasture and grass fed, except in bad weather conditions when they need to be housed inside for their welfare and even then are normally fed on silage and beets.


Q: Are Hirsch organ meat supplements tested for heavy metals?

A: Every Hirsch production run is tested for the following heavy metals: Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury. Contact us if you would like to see these results for a specific product/batch please contact us. 

Q: What other testing do you do for your organ meat supplements?

A: We complete microbiology testing on each production run, e.g. for mould and pathogens and conduct a yearly test on the vitamin and mineral content of the product. Contact us and we can share these results with you.


Q: Are your organs sourced from hormone and antibiotics free cows?

A: Our beef organ mix is sourced from British organic farms that are Soil Association certified.  Growth hormones are banned completely in the UK.

The US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, allow farmers to give antibiotics to livestock to make them grow faster.  This is banned in the UK.  The Soil Association also specifically restricts the use of certain antibiotics.  As a result the use antibiotics on Soil Association certified beef farms is 3.5x lower than other UK farms on average.  Organic standards aim to promote good health and welfare so that disease is exceptional rather than routine.


Q: How to start taking your organ meat supplements? 

A: Start slowly if you are not already taking any other organ supplements.  Take 1-3 capsules to start with and increase weekly to the full 6 capsule dose.  You could also space out your dose to taking 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules in the early afternoon - whichever way suits you best.


Q: Can I take your organ meat supplements on an empty stomach? 

A: Yes, our organ meat supplements are 100% freeze dried organic organs and nothing else.  This means it is a real food and can be taken on an empty stomach.


Q: Is there an ideal time of day to take your organ meat supplements? 

A: Aim to take our organ meat supplement morning or early afternoon as you could experience a boost in energy and would not want to impact your sleep. 


Q: Do you offer a practitioner discount? 

A: Yes – if you are interested in our practitioner ordering process then drop us a line and we will be happy to tell you more.


Q: How does your Subscribe & Save option work?

A: Never run out of your organ supplements and have complete control over your subscription! After you sign up you will automatically get a repeating 10% discount and free delivery.

You will also gain access to your own subscription area on the website where you can adjust your delivery dates, delivery frequency, quantities and delivery address.